

in order to, so as to, to do, in order that, so that都可以表示“为了,以便于”,辨析如下:

(一)in order to do,按照正常逻辑使用即可,无限制,如:

  • Putin, the theory goes, is willing to stoke a civil war in order to keep Ukraine from turning to the West. 根据这种理论,普京愿意发动一场内战,以便于组织乌克兰转向西方。 (CNN)
  • In order to understand how the human body works, you need to have some knowledge of chemistry. 为了弄清楚人的身体是怎样运作的,你需要具有一些化学知识。(CNN)

(二)so as to do,不用在句首,如:

  • Veata and her parents spoke in Khmer, very softly and quickly, so as to prevent me from understanding. 为了防止我听明白,Veata和她的父母说高棉语,又轻又快。 (NEWYORKER)
  • She also proposed the development of a Welsh stock exchange so as to provide Welsh businesses with access to capital. 她还建议成立威尔士股票交易所,以便于为威尔士的商业公司提供接触到资本的途径。(BBC)

(三)to do,动词的不定式形式有“为了做……”之意,似乎是最为简洁的结构了。如:

  • To see how effective this technique was, the researchers gave it a try themselves. 为了看到这项技术是多么的有效,研究者们自己做了一个实验。(MSN)

(四)in order that,that为引导词,意味着in order that后为从句,如:

  • Can we discuss these issues in order that we can actually reflect in a more positive way. 我们能否讨论一下这些问题,以便能够以更积极的方式做出反应? (BBC)
  • “Television is obviously an important income generator in Scottish football, but the fans need to be considered more in order that we can achieve a balance, ” said Lawwell. “电视显然是苏格兰足球的一项重要的收入来源,但是为了取得平衡,球迷需要得到关心。” Lawwell说。(BBC)

(五)so that,that为引导词,意味着so that后为从句,如:

  • They were later painted yellow so that they could be seen more easily from a distance. 为了能从远处被很容易地看到,他们后来被漆成了黄色。(BBC)
  • They even have nursing rooms so that moms can go in during a break. 为了能让妈妈们在休息时去,他们甚至有哺乳室。(MSN)

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