




Heatherwick Studio recently built a greenhouse at the edge of the National Trust’s Woolbeding Gardens. This beautiful structure, named Glasshouse, is at the centre of a new garden that shows how the Silk Road influences English gardens even in modern times.

The latest 56 (engineer) techniques are applied to create this protective 57 (function) structure that is also beautiful. The design features ten steel “sepals(萼片) ”made of glass and aluminium (铝) . These sepals open on warm days 58 (give) the inside plants sunshine and fresh air. In cold weather, the structure stays 59 (close) to protect the plants.

Further, the Silk Route Garden around the greenhouse 60 (walk) visitors through a journey influenced by the ancient Silk Road, by which silk as well as many plant species came to Britain for 61 first time. These plants included modern Western 62 (favourite) such as rosemary, lavender and fennel. The garden also contains a winding path that guides visitors through the twelve regions of the Silk Road. The path offers over 300 plant species for visitors to see, too.

The Glasshouse stands 63 a great achievement in contemporary design, to house the plants of the southwestern part of China at the end of a path retracing (追溯) the steps along the Silk Route 64 brought the plants from their native habitat in Asia to come to define much of the 65 (rich) of gardening in England.


56. engineering

engineering techniques, 工程技术;形容词修饰名词。

57. functional

functional structure, 功能性结构;形容词修饰名词。

58. to give

to give the inside plants…, 为了给里面的植物阳光和通风;非谓语动词之不定式表示目的。

59. closed

stay closed, 保持关闭;stay为系动词,跟形容词closed,构成系表结构。

60. walks

walk visitors, 使游客走;walk既是不及物的“走”,也是及物的“使…走”,考察兼类动词的词意和时态。

61. the

the first time, 第一次;序数词前用the。

62. favorites

western favorites, 西方人的最爱。favorite兼有名词和形容词两个词性,作为名词是可数的。

63. as

as a crowning achievement, 作为最高成就;stand as…并非固定搭配,本题考介词的基本含义。

64. which/that

本题考察定语从句,先行词the Silk Route是“物”非“人”,用which或that指代均可。

65. richness

the richness and glory, 丰富与荣放。the后用名词,本题考察构词法。




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